This is such a weak cliche, Can you believe how the year has gone by? Yes, the year has gone fast but I am always so grateful for time that flies, because that means things are good and we are having fun, because in bad times and times of hardship time drags on and on and on.
Times is also a great healer of pain and we have had lots of it the past year and therefore we thank God for time.
A great friend of us Thea Burger always exhibits her beautiful painting with us on the make and take week at the end of the year and if all this art and beauty cannot inspire you best you give up on the inspiration thing.
The make and takes are always such a wonderful experience and honor to share a hobby with friends at a end of a year to say thank you and to know that what you have made will be a part of their lives maybe forever.
This days cannot be special without special people and my mom is so special she makes all the eats for these days and mom is not well and yet she still does all this and more.
On this Thanksgiving Day we would like to be thankful for family and friends and people that share our passion with us.
it was a lovely morning, and a great little book. thank you so much for everything!
Posted by: jacki janse van rensburg | Tuesday, November 04, 2008 at 15:52
Dankie Dankie Dankie vir jou wat ons so inspireer met jou menswees en jou kuns! Just carry on being YOU!
Posted by: Ingrid | Monday, November 10, 2008 at 11:33