I have just joined Gilded Society and am so exited I can burst. It has always been my greatest passion. Fabric, lace, buttons and antique jewelery. The blog and tutorials are stunning, this is a whole new adventure.
I have just joined Gilded Society and am so exited I can burst. It has always been my greatest passion. Fabric, lace, buttons and antique jewelery. The blog and tutorials are stunning, this is a whole new adventure.
Renice is a debutant. My hair stand on end just to think of it. All that interaction and pressure we are already on a double dose of 5HTP, just to settle the nervous. It is in times like these that one realizes her oddness, her inability to plan and stratagize . However, God has a plan in this too and although, I work very hard to be a deb's mom and not the deb. I must allow her to make decisions and live with the outcome.
Wian is going to a ADD Lab tomorrow, after a week of turmoil. I just hope and pray that they do not increase his Ritalin intake. They will also do a qeeg on the 11 th October.
I had time to make the canvas to match Renice's and am quite suprise at the outcome.
I felt a bit guilty for taking such a long time, so I made 5 canvasses.
Fly your dreams!!!!!
Renice has made her subject choice for her future. This was such a daunting time for me.
Is she making the decisions based on monkey see monkey do, Dad loves science and maths and now I love science and maths.
It wasn't a open discussion not that I expected it to be, but a bit more info or a emotion or two would have eased the mom's anxiety. I've met the teachers all 14 of them and there is not bigger pride for a mom. "your daughter is a clever, well mannered individual, with a huge amount of potential." and I know that this did not come easy and where subject such as Life Orientation and History is just another subject for some kids, it is a mammoth struggle for Renice.autism
It"s school holidays and we just returned from heaven Kruger National Park. Apart from the great time we had as a family, my daughter made friends with girls from America with e mail addresses and facebooks and the works. This is such an achievement for Renice.
But we are back at the grind stone, the class for the 12 th September is a canvas class and I need a bit of inspiration.
I love all this stuff and the stuff makes me tick so I am sure this is going to be a great challenge.
We at Papercrazy are so lucky to have the support of our manufacturers, 7gypsies designers gave us the inspiration to bring you this stunning class. (Thank you Justin)
The project is being taught on
Monday, 15 November 2010
9 am to 12 pm
(pic taken under construction - melani)
Contact Lizzy for bookings of the class on 011 452 5590
Kits will be available at the End of November. Please get your orders in timeously as to not be disappointed. Orders placed to [email protected]
Main Entry: |
crave |
Part of Speech: |
verb |
Definition: |
desire intensely |
Synonyms: |
ache for, covet, cry out for, die for, dream, eat one's heart out, fancy, give eyeteeth for, hunger for, itch for, long for, lust after, need, pine for, require, sigh for, spoil for, suspire, thirst for, want, yearn for, yen for
The month of July means a lot of things to many people : July the middle of the winter month, July time to look forward to school holidays and for us at Papercrazy we look forward to CHA July - the release of all new lines from the Scrapbook manufacturers in the USA.
7Gypsies has honored us to show the release prior to the show date and boy Gypsy! are we inspired. The release consists of 2 new lines :
To wet your appetite, increase your craving and add to the general feel good anticipation
See below
Retailer can view the full release on our retailers blog - for your password (if you still don't have it phone Lizette)
The new release papers , sticker and rub ons(wait let me tickle your fancy)will ship to us End of July.
I have made these awhile ago and really enjoy making them they are quick and very sweet.
I also worked on the back so if you buy them make sure the "back sides" are neat. You can also obtain them from Paper Crazy they are 5 in a set.
I used commercial photos but you can insert your own family photos.
Most of the products are Seven Gypsies and the pictures are from Art Chixs
Have a great day in the sun.
So there, the photos are done the project is packed and we are ready to roll.
LIFE IS A JOURNEYwith roundabouts and
Luxury travel and budget accommodation for 6 (the fridge is in the room)
Detours Something to write home about Extra Luggage and
WHERE IS THE MAP? mAKING friends on the way Jet Lag and
Lost and Found and then when all is said and done Home at last.
Book Your Ticket on Life is a Journey
This 30 page journal should take you on your life journey from childhood to adulthood with all the good the bad and the ugly.
For more info on this project contact Tania on 0833779997
Fly your Dreams
My "Life is a Journey" Project is done. Just a few final touches here and there, but what a journey, I am as drunk as a duck from a middle ear infection that left me in emergency unit on Saturday morning (thought i was dying). Renice and Wian followed with antibiotics with middle ear infection, and it is only Thursday morning.
Marie Labuschagne will be teaching the project in the Drakensberg the weekend of the 5th of March and the packs are being pack for a wonderful weekend, of nature at is best and food for the soul. Just so you can see I did work.
Will chat soon and have a few sneak preview
Fly your dreams!!!!!!!!!!!!
I battle to work in the summer or as we call it the "na somer" after summer it is too hot and too humid. I drag myself form this job to the next and only start to function after eight in the evening when it is cooler.
What I love about the after summer is Valentines day, just a reminder that there is still love in the air and with Renice being a teenager it is just so much more fun.
I have another Make and Take on the 2nd of March and the same one on the 23 March and I could not resist a pocket of envelopes for all your love letters and old Valentine cards.
All the products for this project is from 7 Gypsies.
Fly Your Dreams
I have new years resolutions but they are not as radical as the ones i had when i was younger. I cut myself some slack, should i not achieve them. It is not about how many times you fall its about the amount of times you get up again.
One of the resolutions, is to spend more time with the ones i love. Renice always need a lot of input and she is going to High School so i have to make even more of an effort to spend time with her, and share special things with her.
The other side of the double page is " Little Lady " and this will be available as a kit with about 10 other kits i created for January and Feb
Fly your dreams
Tomorrow is make and takes and all prep is done. I've also made a few Christmas Gifts.
Have a good nights rest and fly your dreams.
Working very hard to get all the make and takes done and a few Christmas inspirations and all the classes for next year will post Christmas this evening. Most school plays and carols by candlelight and prize givings are done. Such a time of reflection on a very busy school year.
Working on books for the coming year Care of my Gypsy friends
I am what I am.
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